on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Who doesn't know you? !0/10
5/10 I haven't seen you a lot.
well havent seen ya much 4/10
seen you alot..9/10.
Seen you around heaps9.5
seen you enough... and you're in the top 25 for this month and the top 100 overall so8/10
seen you once or twice 6/10 ^_^
I see you around the forums all the time 9/10 ^^
New but has good ideas 7/10
11/10 very helpful, very good friend, helped me get a merit, everyone knows him, look at his posts
3/10haven't seen ya, PM me on which forums you mainly look at.
8.7/10I see you a lot lately
10/10dude, even with your small amount of posts I can't stop seeing you 0-0BANNANANANANANA TERRA COTTA BANNANAN TERA COTTA PIE!!!
9/10You're pretty famous!
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