on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Sammayyyyyy....I dunnooooo.... uerrrghhhh.... You haven't posted alot for awhileeeee....... but you're still activeeeeee........ I guess a 8.5/tennnnnnnnnn.
201? Famous?!? Bahahahahahaha!
The only reason why he's ever talked about is because he is talked about.I can't find any more reason other than that. It's like tracing Bieber's fame. Where did he come from? Why is he even talked about? He's not good, but the sheep love him for some reason.With that, Graham gets a high 9.1/10
cus you arnt like 201 famous but not some random guy
9/10how the F did you change your armatar+gender???
6.3/10The end.
hes vinster hes a bad ass like thatand a 9.6/10 for knight
9.8/10Stalker!!!!! *starts crying*It's obvious you stalk everyone.
Mine was aimed for knight, but I say the same for you delossantosj.
how the F did you change your armatar+gender???
9/10 for vinster
8.54/10 for Happy Purple Unicorn.
9.5. he's pretty much the man.
You have returned. 8.43/10
9.586654645876567^Best rating number that exists.
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