on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Death himself will rate you 9/10 Death have seen you alot.Death also apolagize for copying your Questoning Australia thread.
I give Mr. Death a 5.8/10, I hope I don't get killed now. :s
I see KFK every time I'm on the forums, 8
I see you...I see you. 7.99999/10Good post count, I only had 500-600 at Silver Knight.
Didnt see you alot 5/10
Low rank, low post count. Not yet.2/10
7/10Better than mehish.
7/10 You don't write much and have no explanations thus I don't factor in your post count. Ff that is all it consists of.
7/10You know, you don't really see me often outside of this forum. I'm generally good at defending myself in the WEPR and discussing in the Taven.
9/10Shame I missed the operation.
Better than mehish.
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