I'm still waiting for MRWalker82 to get jaded from the WEPR, I remember a day way back when I used to wade in full force ready to fight the battle for great justice, until I realised that I was arguing on the internet.
Not to say it's useless though, in fact from MRWalker82 and MageGrayWolf I learnt an entirely new and more constructive interpretation of the term "atheist".
And yes, I'm still here because I'm trying to finish writing this punkomatic so- I mean study >_<
There's only so much yelling the same thing over and over again one can take huh? That's why I don't often forward an opinion there, like Moegreche I often just poke at people's brains.
Now Samy, here's a veteran who used to be in WEPR for at least as long as I was, but either I'm not around enough or I just don't see you as often as I used to. 8/10