on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
i know you! 10/10
Jaj Bart!Nice name but low rank and post 6/10
Oh, finally Theone99 have seen me!!
9/10 for i see u everywhere and high rank!
sorry theone didnt know u posted...
For having a high post count: 9/10For me not have seen you before, but today: 3/10I will give you a 7,681/10
no wonder u neva saw me! i wasnt here for a month or more after setempet started...i see that u started the 5th of september...7/10 for average posts and seen u today
That makes much sense. I will now give you 9/10 for being famous.
uhh..ok i guess...i wouldnt call myself famous but ok... for that urs is 7.5/10
Well 8/10 for good amount of posts, good rank and I see you in some places.
ive seen u around very rarley since i came bak from a break...8/10 though for high post and rank...
Seen you on alot 8 out of 10.
never seen u ever... with averagly low posts and low rank...6/10
hmm nice rank 9/10
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