on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
8.5/10.Good rank, good amount of posts, and I've seen you a lot. =)
um..7/10 i USED to see you alot,specifically on this thread,but first time in a while.
great posts, but havent seen you much lately.
I was thinking,how about we get a new rule that if you have already arted the person above yous' fame,we rate the person above that person?as im doing now..shinetsu.no.me..no..shotgun no..OWEN.yes.7/10 havnt seen you 'round lately.
7/10see you on forums
Gah, I keep getting ninjad!!Naruto gets a 7.6, again, higher ranks look cool with a bigger number =)
:'( the same people keep replying!!!!!upgraded rank for you shintetsu 8.1
10/10 Just because you got the name right (seriously it needs a merit point for anyone to get it right without messing up.)
ShintetsuWA? Shintetsushintetsushintetsu?:P8/10~
10/10.Great rank, great amount of posts, very helpful on Armorgames, and I think everybodys heard of you. =P
I don't think I rated you yet, and if I did, I may be getting Alzheimer's...Err.. 8.4/10
Erm i hate you so much that you're awesome.Not really hate you rock!.Great person and hastons of good ideas.
The ever present dude of the 9s. 10/10
I always see you on the forums, and you have great ideas. 9/10
2,5/10I haven't really seen you before, but at least you know how to type, so if you become more active I'll probably enjoy giving you a higher rating in the future.
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