on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
lol, despite your post AND rank, I somehow don't see you very often. DON'T SPITE RATE PLZ!lol.
I have seen you ALOt , great rank and awesome posts.
Since no one rated thoad, I give thoad an 8/10 and jonny a 5/10 for not rating.
*skips to jonny*i give you 6/10bad rank, but good posts. dont see you much though.
10/10 ive seen you frequently
6/10 for skipping me.
i dindt skip you
Sorry that was for Owen. jjrocks66 gets a 7/10 Never seen you before and extremely low posts.
you get a 9/10 good posts
oops forgot to rank somone lol.But you get a 5 out of ten never see you.
6.5/10.I've seen you around every now and then. But not to great of a rank, but atleast you have more posts then me. =P
whoa never seen u but u have lots of posts 8.5/10
Okay post count, iron prince... And because I was somewhat mean to you: 8/10
Let's see....Cenere?Great artist,great user,has the armatar i like and let's not forget that she's great at art!10/10
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