on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
seen you somtimes 7 out of 10
Really good posts for your rank and seen you quite alot 7.5/10
seen you once good post /10
seen you once good post 7.5/10
sorry about that glitch and was meant for jonnypants
Good rank Although extremly low posts for your rank I guess I'll give you 6/10
never seen you... 1/10
I'm new here 8/10
I see you for the first time.I can't give you more than 0/10 with that and a low ranking.0/10
Whateva Wood Lord decent rank nice forum posts too guess I'll give you 7/10
I recall seeing you a few times... Hmmm... 6/10
WTF?He's a newbie! I'm on this site for over a month and somebody gave me 1/10!>8(Nice amount of forum posts.8.7/10
i've seen you plenty. 8/10(only recently though because i have just started posting on forums )
Never seen you 5 out of 10.
I've seen you before.3/10
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