on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Seen you a couple times but do not know you that much so I would say a 4/10.
same to u seen you a cople times also 4/10
@SKE 3/10
7.5./10 again
that was to ajal^^^ :P
@_S_K_E 4/10
I've heard of you before.. Okay rank, good post count I guess. Better then mine. =P7/10
haha i got more posts that you thats funny9/10
You have a great name but I'M the best not you! Anyways 9/10
Says who? =P 9.5/10
9/10 imthebest =P
Says who
9.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! juan with high high posts and is gold king! but isnt on freinds list...):
So many posts, yet I've never seen you before. *sighs 4/10
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