on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
I've seen you a lot 8/10
7/10 seen you latelywhoevers under me give me a fair enough rate i'm trying to make some fame heree!
ok...3/10 honestly.bad rank, however you have a good amount of posts for your rank.most people your rank have 5-10 posts, but you have nearly double showing you participate in the forums .
I give you a 9/10!You can have a 10/10 if you have more posts.
10/10.Great guy.
10/10. =)
Never before, so... 4/10.
Hm. Seem new to the Armorgames community. Well for now 3/10. But eventually you'll get better ranks and more posts. =)
8/10! See you more now.
sorry first time i see you 1/10
6/10I don't see you around very much, but for a newvie, you have a lot of posts.
Your here alot, So 8/10.
sorry this is only the second time you are on armor games but nice amount of posts for your rank Overall 5/10
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