on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Pixie214 i give you a 9.4/10 because I see you A LOT in the fourms.
2/10, I've seen you once or twice.
must save from page 2!4.5/10
9.7/10 for being famous
8.87/10. Haven't seen you as much as some other people, but I've still seen you a lot.
Always seeing you, always active, need some bump in the posts, but that's alright. (8.5/10)
Sweet, got an 8.5 from Shin. I must be doin' good.Well Shin, you get a 9.4 because I haven't seen you around as much lately. : \\ It's cool, though, you're still well known.
Blame that on the monsoons and my strep throat =O8.5/10 again
Lol alright buddy. Er 9.405/10. >_< You got promoted. :P
Not seen you too often... popping up a bit lately...6.9/10. Get more posts...
6/10 ... *cough*marylover*cough*
*coughmynameISmarycough*0/10. You be a bogan.
7/10 your always on the music arts etc. section :P
8/10 I see you ALOT
5/10 I see you NOTALOT :P
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