on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Migz is banned. 7/10
Thou art famous. 9/10
You have increased popularity and frequency in the forums, so I've seen you quite a lot. And great amount of posts for your rank.8.9/10
seen you alot and we have talked abit 9.314/10"I have a friend name Dennis. Both his parents are midgets, but not Dennis. He's a midget dwarf. He's the guy who poses for trophies."
Everybody knows Pixie, and now he is in the top 100, so 9.5/10
nobody knows you xD jk well long time since I've seen you post sooooooooooo 7.1/10
Now you can see my posts 9/10
Havent seen you much. 7/10.
7/10 I've seen you around.
long time since I've seen you long time since I've seen you long time since I've seen you xDxDxD8/108/108/10
Sorry for that. That wasn't even my fault. Armorgames messed that up by themselves.9/10
8.2/10. I've seen you around a little bit and iron prince, not bad.
Seen you alot and you're a good friend 9.314/10"I was born by Caesarean section, but you really can't tell...except that when I leave my house, I always go out the window..."
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