on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Why am I suddenly getting low ratings?!What did I do? I swear I don't have another account, Zoph deleted it!5.7/10. You need more posts...
still 2/10............
0/10 fail :Pive seen a few people complaining that you spamz.
spam? I never leave short posts...sometimes 10/10
hehe. well ive never seen you spam anyways. but you have a VERY low rating atm. so 1/10 xDyay for the 10!
9/10You...popular person.
You are not famous. You must build yourself up. 4/10
you too I've never seen you in the papers so your not famous -10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/0.9
1/10Never seen you.Sorry.
0/10 your picture looks like it possessed by demons
well I have a slight predicament you gave BlackShadow 0 and your less famous so 0/10 sorryknight get 9.314/10"You can't have everything...Where would you put it?"
in your current guise you are a newcomer.
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