on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Shin is faaaaammmmmmmmooooouuuuuussssss in my book!9.4/10
Kirby, I haven't seen you much on BOTH forums, but I guess it's glad to see you back. 7.1/10
Hola amigo.8.563554/10I've seen you around.~RR~
10/10 to Shin.He's very active and makes posts that are very intelligent and well thought out.
?! And I was skipped?! How dare you!8.3882/10 to you. I've seen you sometimes. I guess.~RR~
All hail to your polls!9.250/10Your polls in my book, boosted your fame.
Sorry Roadtripper, You ninja'ed me.9.6/10 Since you are such a high ranker and have a great amount of posts.Knight gets an 8 since I just started seeing him more.
Toadlord, an asset to the forums as we know it =)9.2/10
all hail king of the toads..........9/10 for you
I have nevr actually seen you before. Your rank is... oh well lets move on, you have a under average amount of posts for your rank.2.6/10Sawry...
6.5/10 senn you a bit but not much.
I've seen you a reasonablt amount and almost 100 posts. 6.314/10"I have a decaffeinated coffee table. You'd never know it to look at it. "
9.5/10... Don't need to explain...
seen you before 6/10
Undeniabley the best even if I haveb't sen you so much 8.314/10"One time a cop pulled me over for running a stop sign. He said, "Didn't you see the stop sign?" I said, "Yeah, but I don't believe everything I read." "
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