on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
When did you disappear?7.5/10 once again.
January, Till now.I think, or it maybe was February.8.5/10 for k34 again
yup, that's true^ used to see him awhile back 8.9/10
Yeah and I used to see you too M11.9/10
I think everybody remember your name9.3/10
I think of you when I see the tiny red flag on the right of your post 7/10 because you were one of the few who commented my wall.
well you ar full of fame 7.314/10"Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that he just whipped out a quarter?"
10/10 see you always LoL =P
7/10 idk
2/10Never seen you....ever. And you an dirty little alt.
Bleh low posts for your rank.But you still get 9.7/10
Lots of posts for your rank, well I used to see you loads in the forums but I still see you in my profile because you're one of my friends.Hmm... 10/10
Bad amount of posts but I can't say nothing so 8.6/10
yoo seem new.2/10
I am.You get 9/10
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