on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Seen you a reasonable amount but hey good posts for the rank 7.314/10"Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle."
Pixie 9.7/10
8/10 for you howlett
I've ssen you alot8/10
Not much posts for your rank but 8.1/10
6.6666666666666666666666666667/10I knowI only have 7 posts . . . but that is because I pretty much only play the games and play the forum games
lol, I know ya really well, but you're only a fold serf. . .so 10/10 for me, 4/10 for AG
Nice amount of posts solid rank 8.7/10^^Click it you know you want too.
Haven't seen you around, but you have a good rank and post. 8.4/10P.S Howlett we have a thread where you can post your dragons. I beleive it's in the tavern.
seen you a bit and you make good pokemon sprites (thanks again) 8.314/10"Even snakes are afraid of snakes."
You're my fwend. Ok, great amount of posts for your rank, I'm heading for 1000 (My start was I bit shabby.).10/10
0/10... I DON"T KNOW YOU!!!!! HAHAHA!!
First time seeing you .1/10
Hmm, 7.7/10. I know you, just haven't seen you a lot.
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