on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Seen you a bit so 8.314/10"Smoking cures weight problems... Eventually..."
I've seen you alot. 9/10
iWazToo 7.85/10
I was more active awhile back. 7.5
Hmm, 8.1/10. I've seen you a lot lately, plus your armatar entry made it in the spring armatar contest, like me.
Easy 9.314/10
plus your armatar entry made it in the spring armatar contest, like me.
seen you alot and you seem cool ok amount od posts 7.314/10
I see you alot on the forums.
8/10 Cause i have talked to you before...I think.
Zomgz liek, itz teh bunneh queen!8.9/10~
never really met u before..and i dont know anything about u. but i have seen u on the forums a couple of times. plus people seem to like u soo ill give u a 7.1415/10
People seem to like me?I haven't heard.8/10 methinks.
i meant that ur popular...or im-popular *if thats a word*...either way people know u or of u so ur famous...congrats =]
8/10 Gold Duke is a pretty good rank.Although you have low posts for the rank.
hm.. i've never seen you before. 3.14159/10
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