on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
Needs moar moar.
101001101010101010101010101010110111010110101001101010101010101010101010101101010101010101010101010001010101010101010107000/10000Improvement is needed.Error has been encountered.
UUUUHHHHHHHHHHH!!I don't read binary code, but I am part computer.9124/10000 OMG!! Improvment!!
10010101101001100101011010101010101010101011010010100111010110101010100101001011010010101001010100101010100101001100101010101001010110010100101001011001011010-Error Detected! Coding error detected!My darn score computation device has been rendered unusable.A+2+5= pie? Monkey * Banana = Yellow? Oh no..*Hours later*7050/10000
For some reason I... Wait, that's completely off topic. 9.7/10
Pazx! As usual 99999999999999999999/100000000000000000000It's closer, you just can't seem to reach it.
7/10 i guess, your pic is cool, but i've never seen your username before... actually, its my first time...
9485/10000I know a few people who are more famous then you are.
Many people. Cenere for instance.9.5/10 for you. Joining the unsanity boosted your stats.
EVERYONE in the NES is unsane xD9/10 for Knight
Wow!I know who you are but I do not think many know of you.7450/10000
knight_____9783/10000 Major Improvment
no, sadly not. Im not quite famous yet xDerr... samdawghomie?Ive seem you around a bit. Same rank as me and slightly more posts. 7/10?
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