on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
10/10 Mr. Quotey "I once locked my keys out of my car. I had to break out of my car with a coat hanger."
*deep depressed sigh*Oh, hi... 10/10 for famefame...
Of course 10/10"I once locked my coat hanger in my car. I had to break the window with a brick, unlock the door, get the coat hanger, lock my keys out the door, and break out of my car with my trusty coat hanger."I'm awesome
DDX?Fameousssoueesseesss.8.6/10 ;D
9/10really famous around here."if yestorday's tomarrow is today, what does thats that make tomarrow"
"if yestorday's tomarrow is today, what does thats that make tomarrow"
Good Rank and Posts 8.7/10(I'm going to get a bad score...been inactive lately.)
GAGAMEN is like a quarter god. 8.7/10
Oh, you.Lousy postcount, best ever rank:7/10
Cenere I always see you on!9.2/10
BlAzE is famous! 10/10
Alt i give thee, 8.5/10
Judging by a low post count, I'd say about 4/10
Nevar seenified youzorz....4/10
sp39. . .you getz a 6/10
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