on a scale of 1-10. I'd go first, but I'm the OP.
ach! phsycomonkey- 9/10Your rhymes, your rhymes, must come in time, not one the line, but be it fine.
sunny Bgot a seven out of ten oh em gee Santa's in my den!94,825th view
Graham! Hola! 8.7/10
Um, dont really see you a lot. I would say a 4/10
alt!Before I fall down the San Andreas falt,I'll stop by to get a malt.10/10Bad, bad rhyming. I'm losing it....
Ninja'd!LBJames: 8/10Basketball,now is my fall,for I do not play at all.
SunnyB7/10I see you on forum sometimes
You too. Quite recently actually...7/10
again 7/10Because i like repeating lol
Person above me gets a 6/10.
Alt... You rating is ChuckNorris/3 (Really Really high)
phsycomonkey! ratage: 8/10
have seen you alot 8,5/10
Havent seen you. 6/10
dont see you often - ehh not a bad rank and posts.6/10?
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