I bet you are saying, "Wow, another topic on free programs. And guess who the author is, gman1000..."
Well, this time I really need your help. I am looking to go into making little flash animated movies with my friend. *This is what I was making a website for.So, I need a hopefully free flash animator. I would also likes some tips to get me started.
you clould always try swishmax - http://www.swishzone.com/index.php it has a free trial and it is cheap compared to flash. about a 100 bucks or so. it has a flash sorta interface, can export .swf, open .swf, and a bunch of other stuff. but if you can get flash at a good deal, i say go for flash
I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to help you on that since I only downloaded the trial version and it expired about an year ago...so I lost touch with the program. It would be best to look at some tutorials if you want to learn the program. For animation, I am sure i does frame by frame animation. It also has tween and free transform functions which will let you do key frame animation. You should most probably be able to adjust the pivot points in the free transform option. Also note that I'm telling you all this using my Flash knowledge and so it may not be 100% accurate...
No I don't agree you can make a 15 min video in flash in 2 weeks. You should stick with the a series since you can keep all your characters and movie clips/objects so you can reuse them. Check this one out google "unforgotten realms".
Okay, sounds good. I will definitely try it. How long is the demo?
I never said making I would make one in too weeks. What I ment is, making a couple, then releasing them every too weeks until I have to make more. Sort of like a series. I also am doing this with someone else, not by myself.