Well looking at the url.I'm guessing this was not put together using html.To me it could be better.I go by the standards used on the website I helped create.I don't quite understand what you were thinking with the name though.Anyways I am not really in the mood to suggest anything though.
It looks nice for your first site but there's a lot to improve!! first the skull icon is really creepy and it might scare away some of users. then re arrange some of the links like the latest topics, and the search bar, now you should really use some different colors, and improve the spelling and grammar errors, like DirkPitt1 said "it makes you look more professional"!! I've seen a lot worse, yours is quite good!!! just keep improving and consider some of the comments above!
Seriously though, it looks alright, except for a few things: * Try resizing all images on the left hand bar to make all of them the same, perhaps even adding a border around all images * Shrink down the main logo at the top, at least height wise. It takes up a lot of space, is very ... what is the word, like, Boom! In your face distracting... and might increase the loading time on slower computers * And echoing everyone else here, please use proper capitalization, spelling, and grammar
Otherwise, it has great potential. Yet another site to add to the endless list of game sites.