I dont know if this will come out rite or not lolBunny /| __ / | ,-~ / / :| // / ( ) /( .^ >-"~"--" / \\ /o o | ( ~T~ | >._-' _./ / "~" | Y _, Y /| ;-"~ _ l / l/ ,-"~ \\ \\//\\/ .- \\ \\ / ) \\ I \\ ]\\ _\\ /"\\ (" ~----( ~ (. )
_|/_(@ @)+---oOO---(_)----------+| ~~~~ HAVE ~~~~|| ~~~~ YOU ~~~~ || ~~~ LOOKED ~~~ || ~~~ AT THE ~~~ || ~~~ FORUMS ~~ || ~~~ TODAY? ~~ |+----------------oOO---+|__|__||| ||ooO Oooââ-_Û©_â"ââTâ-â-"Tâ]â-â-"[]â-â-"[]â-â-"[]â-â-"[]â-â-"[ââ-___â"ââ-â-"ââ-___â"âÛ]â¬|â-"â-"â'~~~~~~~~~~â'â-"â-"|â¬Ûâ"ââ¾â¾â¾ââ-â-'â-'â"ââ¾â¾â¾ââ"â'â-'â-'â'_|\\_/\\_/\\_/\\_/âª\\_/\\_/\\_\\_/|_\\<>\\â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|X|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼/<>/\\<>\\â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|X|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼/<>/|<>|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼ /¯¯¯¯¯\\ â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|<>||<>|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|XxXxX|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|<>|/<>/_______/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\_______\\<>\\|<>|***~*armor games*~***|<>|\\<>\\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/<>/\\<>\\â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼\\ - /â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼/<>//<>/â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|-|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼\\<>\\|<>|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|-|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|<>|\\<>\\â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|-|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼/<>/\\<>\\â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|-|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼/<>/\\<>\\â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼|-|â-¼â-¼â-¼â-¼/<>/\\<>\\â-¼â-¼â-¼|-|â-¼â-¼â-¼/<>/¯\\<>\\â-¼|-|â-¼/<>/¯¯\\-»|-|«-/¯|¯\\-/¯|| |V| |\\\\ //\\ /\\/Î _Î _Î _Î _Π¨¨¨¨¨¨Π_Î _Î _Î _Î \\=-......-=/¨¨¨¨¨¨\\=-......-=/|=-....-=|¨¨¨¨¨¨¨|=-....-=||=-...Î _Î _Î _Î _Î _Î _Î ...-=||=-............................-=||=--......¸.-*¨*-.¸......--=||=--......| ¨ armor ¨ |......--=|_/=--......Ã.....games....Ã.........--=\\_Û©ÛÛ©à¹'à¹'Û©ÛÛ©à¹'à¹'Û©ÛÛ©à¹'à¹'Û©ÛÛ©à¹'à¹'Û©ÛÛ©these aren't not mine, but i did add some modifications hope they works!
just as expected, they didnt work. :'(sry everybody for the double post!
OS<If you turn your head to the left it resembles a dancing stickman...
,--. ,--._ \\ > `|>o
(>">^IHave a free hug.
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