Hey guys I wanted to go ahead and announce the new ArmorWiki project we have been working on.It is a completely upgraded site.I originally was going to keep it a secret between the people working on it,but then I thought about it,and realized that the work needed to make it would take maybe a total of two weeks to finish if not more.If people didn't like the new site then it would have been bad to do all that work.Also this new site can support new html custom coding and such,so if you have some really nice html code you want to share in the creation of the site,then you could contribute with that.I mainly want to know what you guys think of the new site.Here is the link.
well actually as you can see none of the pages from the old site have been added yet,but we were originally not going to say anything about it until its completion day,but I could not find any reason for it.Pretty much this site has only been a couple days into production so far,and also as a fair warning.Even though sprux is alot more versitile,it may have a few glitches in it b/c it just released sprux 2.0 and so we have had some problems so far doing certain things with it.Just as a fair warning to let you guys know.Anyways the main reason for the upgrade is b/c wetpaint did not support javascript,and this site does,giving us way more flexibility with what we can add on it.
hey guys(insert generic sorry for double post message here)I just realized that the newest version of the sites admin tools have been formatted specifically for IE and not Firefox,so if you use Firefox then get the IE tab add-on and run the admin part of the site using an IE tab,or just switch over to IE completely while editing your site,but I hve noticed that if you don't use IE that you will not be able to even see the new page button,and the buttons will be all over the place.So I hope this clears some confusion for some of you who are just now trying it,who have Firefox.
Man, sorry for double posting but I'm not old enough to join.... Well, I have to wait 1ý years. ^_^"
A fake birthday would be fine.
@plokkey: did you make that frame?...cuz if you did, you could just enlarge the middle are and everything will be fine ... if not...well then never mind :P
Well I still don't quite understand what you are trying to say jpx111,but I can make the width of certain parts of the site larger or smaller.I just don't see the point in it.
Well I am always open to suggestions as long as you can tell me why we should add it.I am looking at the upgraded version of spruz,but I don't really have a job so it quite hard to come up with the cash on my own for it.I can't remember how much it would cost though.