Hello, I'm the Guy who made Gnome Defender in BASIC (I accidentally said visualBASIC because I thought they were the same thing :P) Anyway I want to start making games for the Iphone and I was wondering if anyone knew good tutorials forCoccaObjective-C
Do you know how to make games for the Ipod touch?Cuz if so and you find sources send them my way.(or if you find REPO"S)Ill add you.
Have you looked around for dev kits?They're not in Java like cell phones, are they?
thats such an awsome idea best of luck man
I found this site.www.cocoadevcentral.comIt has the same languages that the Itouch uses, but they only mention Mac OS. So hopefully the same goes for Itouch.I'll keep you guys updated on any progress I make.
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