This is a lot like Mardek.First choose a rank for your character: -Warrior -Rouge -Mage As you level up you can have a higher ranking.Example:When a mage reaches lv10,he can be Elementalist or Arcane mage or Misc mage(lot of spells,mostly for special types of situations...)and later even more. After this select your Element.Your element is important when fighting,cause it is your weaknes and strenght.There can be 7 players,and once a element is taken,other players have to choose another one.Elements also tell what is your personality like. Here are the Elements: -Air Weaknes:Fire(-20%) Strong against:Earth(+20%) Focused on:Agility(Higher chances to dodge atacks)
-Fire Weaknes:Water(-20%) Strong against:Air(+20%) Focused on:Strenght(Deals more damage)
Water Weaknes:Earth(-20%) Strong against:Fire(+20%) Focused on:Spirit(More mana)
These were the natural elements.Next are the spiritual elements.They have no conection with natural elements at all(No extra damage).Here they are:
-Light Weaknesark(-20%) Strong againstark(+20%) No special focus.You can choose 2 mini-focuses(example-spirit and agility)which your character will have a little better than other things.
Don't think I'm crazy,cause I'm not.It is just the way these 2 elements behave.They are strong AND weak against each other.In light vs dark fights can be some large damage cause of this.Now,the last element:
Any kinds of Eather creatures are neutral in battles.But they keep balance in the world.If a war happens,and somebody is almost completly defeated,they come to help.Everything about them is balanced-they are even half-dead and half-alive.The only objective of this Element is to keep balance. Without it the universe could just explode for no reason.
And now,the story. A war happened between 2 great civilizations.They both were human,but diffrent.Some were cruel and selfish,but some just want to help and protect.The war lasted for 500 years,and it seems endless.Battles are rare,but long and they're like bloodbaths with no victory.But there are a few tools for help.None of them were ever found.There are 7 element crystals,one for every element.Nobody knows where they are,but they are on difrent locations.There are also 7 elemental weapons,controled by those crystals.If they could be found,they could bring victory for anybody.Fengur,the dark kingdom has all the bad people,and it is rare to survive a day without listening a new fight. Goznor,the empire of light,even has a few paladins.Sometimes there can be a fight,but that is rare.The battle continues.
Rules: 1.I'm awsome! 2.Light person can't start in Fengur,and Dark person can't start in Gonzor 3.You get weapons for free every time you get a higher rank 4.I like pie! 5.Respect all the rules,but,if posible,respect the 1st one the most.
Always post your status.Like this: Name:??? Element:??? HP 80/??? MP 80/??? Rank:??? LV:??? EXP:??? Weapon:??? Shield:??? Armor:??? Misc:??? Misc2:??? Status
Poisoned +20 Air -20 Water
Something like that.I hope this is not too hard.And every level has 250 exp more.Example: 170/250 +90EXP LV UP! 10/500
On your way you see a merchant.He says:"Come here,my friend!If you guess in which hand I hold a mana potion, you can keep it!If you're wrong, I will take your minor health potion.
1)Kill him 2)Test your luck and accept 3)Ignore him and continue
Oh, sorry.You can continue hunting that pirate if you want. P.S.2 is not go him,it's go with him to hunt down the pirate.My mistake.8)
Now I remember.You're LV 5, so you pwned them.+164 EXP I almost forgot!
1)Poison resistance +5% 2)Paralyze resistance +5% 3)Stun resistance +4% 4)Numb resistance +3% 5)Confusion resistance +2% 6)Dark cut-Use your dark element for aditional dark damage!(Cost:20 mana) 7)Dodge +1% 8)Parry +1% 9)Shield smack-hit your opponent with your shield to stun him for 3 sec 10)Learning to fight-Agility+1 -Strenght+1 -Spirit+1 -Vitality+1
A paladin has come just in time.He stabed the ground under him with his sword.Divine light blinded you and destoyed those zombies.They are not called holy warriors for no reason! 1)Thank the paladin 2)Offer him your help 3)Get the hell outa there!
McLoven lv:3 HP 66/66 MP 52/52 Weapon:Short sword Armor:Iron bodyarmor Shield:Wooden shield Misc:Ring of quick reaction 204/750 exp ally: Healer lv 10,light (cpu controlled) 2)go with him to hunt down the pirate
You see a ship.The healer says:"This is the ship I saw when that pirate came so I could heal him.There will probably be some guards on it, maybe even the pirate himself."
1)Sabotage the ship 2)Kill the healer 3)Go home 4)Go in the nearest tavern and ask about the pirate
Find it on previous page, I already posted it all.
You tryed to hit him, but he dodged you dagger. Then he punched you. His fist seemed heavier than iron. You blacked-out. The merchant said:"That was a mistake, my friend..."When you woke up, he was gone.
1)Continue to your mission 2)Try to find him 3)Go to the nearest tavern and ask about that merchant
The paladin says:"You have done egnouh.You may go home and rest, if you want to."
1)Stay here and help some more 2)Go home
Something new in your status
ItemsHere you write which items and secondary weapons you have) Skills and resistancesHere you write which skills you have and how resistant you are to somethong,exampleoison resistance 20%)
You went there. You see two other rouges. They look like they have seen the Satan himself. One of them says:"What took you so long!? You know how many of us got killed!? HUH!?" The other one says:"We better try to find a long-range weapon. These... things can smell us a mile away, so ambushes are useless. We are lucky if we kill one of them!"You see a few dead rouges near you.
1)Search those dead rouges 2)Try to ambush those things