This is a lot like Mardek.First choose a rank for your character: -Warrior -Rouge -Mage As you level up you can have a higher ranking.Example:When a mage reaches lv10,he can be Elementalist or Arcane mage or Misc mage(lot of spells,mostly for special types of situations...)and later even more. After this select your Element.Your element is important when fighting,cause it is your weaknes and strenght.There can be 7 players,and once a element is taken,other players have to choose another one.Elements also tell what is your personality like. Here are the Elements: -Air Weaknes:Fire(-20%) Strong against:Earth(+20%) Focused on:Agility(Higher chances to dodge atacks)
-Fire Weaknes:Water(-20%) Strong against:Air(+20%) Focused on:Strenght(Deals more damage)
Water Weaknes:Earth(-20%) Strong against:Fire(+20%) Focused on:Spirit(More mana)
These were the natural elements.Next are the spiritual elements.They have no conection with natural elements at all(No extra damage).Here they are:
-Light Weaknesark(-20%) Strong againstark(+20%) No special focus.You can choose 2 mini-focuses(example-spirit and agility)which your character will have a little better than other things.
Don't think I'm crazy,cause I'm not.It is just the way these 2 elements behave.They are strong AND weak against each other.In light vs dark fights can be some large damage cause of this.Now,the last element:
Any kinds of Eather creatures are neutral in battles.But they keep balance in the world.If a war happens,and somebody is almost completly defeated,they come to help.Everything about them is balanced-they are even half-dead and half-alive.The only objective of this Element is to keep balance. Without it the universe could just explode for no reason.
And now,the story. A war happened between 2 great civilizations.They both were human,but diffrent.Some were cruel and selfish,but some just want to help and protect.The war lasted for 500 years,and it seems endless.Battles are rare,but long and they're like bloodbaths with no victory.But there are a few tools for help.None of them were ever found.There are 7 element crystals,one for every element.Nobody knows where they are,but they are on difrent locations.There are also 7 elemental weapons,controled by those crystals.If they could be found,they could bring victory for anybody.Fengur,the dark kingdom has all the bad people,and it is rare to survive a day without listening a new fight. Goznor,the empire of light,even has a few paladins.Sometimes there can be a fight,but that is rare.The battle continues.
Rules: 1.I'm awsome! 2.Light person can't start in Fengur,and Dark person can't start in Gonzor 3.You get weapons for free every time you get a higher rank 4.I like pie! 5.Respect all the rules,but,if posible,respect the 1st one the most.
Always post your status.Like this: Name:??? Element:??? HP 80/??? MP 80/??? Rank:??? LV:??? EXP:??? Weapon:??? Shield:??? Armor:??? Misc:??? Misc2:??? Status
Poisoned +20 Air -20 Water
Something like that.I hope this is not too hard.And every level has 250 exp more.Example: 170/250 +90EXP LV UP! 10/500
You see a giant mantid.It's a little bigger than you,brown,and sleeping.Probably stronger than you.
1)Attack it while it sleeps 2)Get outa there and: a)Go in the other tunel b)Go home 3)Wake it up and fight with honor and bravery
He attacked again.The ring flashed,and you parryed his attack.After his attack,you cutted off his hand.Another move made his screams stop:You cutted off his head.+86EXP Everybody congratulated you.It probably wouldn't happen if that pirate was there,cause it turns out you could get a nice reward for his head.
1)Go out there,look for him,kill him,and collect the reward! 2)Go home and recover 3)Look for a mission
Your status is: Hp 34/34 MP 28/28 EXP 0/250 Weapon:Short sword Armor:Iron bodyarmor Shield:Wooden shield Misc:None Misc2:None Never forget to post your status!
Today is your birthday.You live in a village named Trupsius,attacked a few days ago.The king of Goznor will probably attack in a few months,but you don't have that much patience.Your brother killed your father for money,and you want to teach him a lesson.The last lesson in his life.His location is unknown,but he lives somewhere in the enemies teritory.He is much stronger than you,but with practice and expierience,you will be able to battle him.He is a LV22 Grandwarrior.
1)Seek for him 2)Look for a mission 3)Stay home and help your mother 4)Stay home and be lazy
You went there.You see 2 warriors(Both are LV2)guarding a camp.
1)Stealth attack them 2)Rush attack 3)Let the mage try to paralyze them,when they come to attack you,let the rouge ambush them,and then fight them 4)Eat a pie 5)Suicide 6)4 before 5
Mage has suceeded.It is paralyzed.It's slightly resistant to partalyze,so you choped it's legs of.When it started moving,it almost hitted you.Mage killed it from range.+62EXP
1)Wait for the warrior to recover 2)Continue without him 3)Check the area with your ring again(-5MP) 4)Go home and recover
"NEVER EVER CALL ME A SPAMMER!"Those were the words that you heard before you got hit by a lightning.-7 HP Enemies noticed you.Mage tryed to paralyse them,failed,but dealed some damage.After the rouge ambushed,you finished 1 of the guards by cutting of his head.Last warrior attacked the rouge,and he dodged the strike and counter attacked him with a lethal stab.You finished the warrior.+113EXP
1)Continue carefully 2)Go back 3)Hide somewhere near the camp where you wont be spotted,and recover
Hp 34/34 MP 28/28 EXP 113/250 Weapon:Short sword Armor:Iron bodyarmor Shield:Wooden shield Misc:None Misc2:None Status:3)Hide somewhere near the camp where you wont be spotted,and recover
add to my status: guess i have food at me PS: i know you are thegamesman, but you can't simply hit me with a thunder