Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of any good free web domains. I want to make a website for a bunch of different stuff I have ideas for, but first I need the actual site! If anyone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. =)
^ depending on how much bandwidth you use per year. and if you pay a programing to code your website, and a designer to design your site. There are also a lot of other thing that come into cost like services such as mods to your website and your SQL server. also how much you upload to your site.
Most of the free domain sites either implement they're logo into the site, or the url. And I haven't seen a free one with an SQL server so you can't really do much.
Hope this helps out.
Oh and godaddy is a good web hoster. they're cheap and give you what you want.
SQL "servers" are databases, not servers. It's just a service installed on the server. Typically and decent host comes with SQL databases. Also, mods do not cost money nor the quantity of which you upload.
I must disagree with godaddy, I get much better in a cheaper package from hostm.
Free web hosting or web domains? co.cc if you want a free subdomain that allows you to set up domain records and stuff (You're not likely to get a free domain, only a subdomain, so I recommend co.cc) For web hosting there are loads of places, awardspace is good (I think, it's been a while since I've used it)
I agree with dank. You cannot get free domains. You also need to host your website and have a site building application. This all costs money, but I would suggest using Yahoo! which I use for my website. The site builder is free and the web hosting is better than godaddy. I would not recommend godaddy, Yahoo! has much better deals.
I actually looked at Yahoo's, and will look into Hostm. I looked over Godaddy's and it didn't appeal to me. Thanks for the help, guys! I really appreciate it.
Alright, I've look and I think I've decided on Yahoo. Step one complete. Step two, get a job. Being 17 and unemployed just doesn't cut it. God help me..