You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
Granted, there are now a bunch of feminine guys and masculine girls everywhere.I wish bad things didn't ever happen.
Granted, that gets rid of all violence in the world and now video games are fun any more.I wish I had a unicycle. XD (I've always wanted to try one of those.)
Granted. You get on the unicycle and it explodes below you. I wish i was taller.
Granted, But You have to eat ablu2's pony's crap first.I wish i had a patato.
Granted, you got a dog named Patato.I wish gay guys liked women.
granted, they're no longer gay, so the wish no longer applies to them and they go back to what they were doingI wish people wouldn't make paradoxes
Granted, you die anyways. I wish for justice(true wish, actually want it to happen)
Your lottery ticket falls in a shredder.
You fade into nothing (you did wish for nothing)I wish that death didn't exist
death doesnt exist but,cancer last longer...I wish i was epic
Granted, you got an EPIC FAIL!!!I wish I had a waterproof cell phone.
its waterproof,but not emo proof *smash it with a hammah*i wish i was an epic fail
Granted, you get straight As. IN THE ATTENDANCE WHICH STAND FOR ABSENT!!!I wish for people to stop corupting my wish.(note: you must corupt this wish)
Granted, the wish gets corrupted by natural causes.I wish I knew how to cook.
Granted, the shooters join into armies, ruining the peace.I wish for a wish for a wish for a wish for pie.
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