I have a friend who made a large set of images for Microsoft Visio. I now want to import those images into flash CS3 as vector images.
I downloaded a 90 day trial of Visio from Microsoft's website, so I am able to view and edit the images. However, how do I get them from Visio to Flash?
I was able to save one of the stencils as an SVG image, then I was going to import them into Inkscape, and then import them into flash. However, when I exported the image as SVG, only a blank sheet showed up in Inkscape. Now I don't even remember how I was able to create the SVG file. 'Save As...' did not work anymore.
Any help? I searched Google already, but couldn't find anything.
does the program have an export option?I think that is what you have to use in order to change the type of file that it is,and be sure to put the file somewhere where it would be easy to find the file.I think there may be one other type of issue that you are dealing with,but I have never used visio so I can't tell you for sure,without some type of visual.
Some of them (like jpg and png) I can tell right off that they are not vector graphics, so they will not work, but which of the listed formats can be imported into Flash CS3 or perhaps imported into Inkscape, and then exported into flash.
well .jpg is used for just about every image that is posted on this site from what I can tell,but the ones I would suggest are either .gif or .bmp now I can't guarantee that either will work,but I think it may be one of those.Also .jpg can be exported into photoshop so I don't see why it can't be exported into Flash CS3.If neither of those work then you may have to resort to trial and error if no one can tell you.
However, I still want to keep them as vector graphics, and since they contain gradients, it is not possible to cnovert them by right clicking the bitmap.
I tried exporting in all sorts of formats. I was unable to create anything useable in flash (they all looked very crazy), however, when I exported in SVGZ format, it imported close enough to how the original looked into Inkscape, however, I can't find a format in Inkscape that will export well into Flash.
If you want to see some samples of how it is supposed to look and what happens, I'll post the results somewhere.
This is driving me crazy! Why can't there be some sort of standard for vector graphics??
If you can export the picture as a SVG (according to your list), then all you have to do is convert SVG to and EPS (or another format read by flash) and then import it into Flash. You may ask how to convert it...well, that's where the problem lies...you can use something like Illustrator...if you don't have it...well, i'll get back to you on that.
Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to add one thing...I tried doing what you are trying to do using Inkscape and it worked perfectly...maybe you should give Inkscape another chance...