I want to add photo albums to my website. I know how to upload pictures and all, but I want the album to be something more dynamically created, not something where I need to enter each one in a table or something. I was wondering if Picasa or shutterfly or something like that would do the trick. Anyone have any experience or recommendations on this?
There are lots of ways to go about doing this: You can create a slide show in Flash. Create a script in javascript or find a preexisting one. Or use an applet already created for this purpose.
So my idea of web programming tools is a glorified note-pad editor. I'm old school. Anyways, so Flash isn't really an option for me. Any thoughts on where to look for good scripts that aren't too heavy or open to holes?
Picasa would do the trick. Although I haven't used it myself, from what I have heard, you can upload the album into Google's uploader for Picasa and use the link it gives you.