I'm just starting with flash, and i read the pages about how to start making games. So i went to the tutorial sites you gave and was instantly flooded with tutorials. Now i am just a beginner, but i have no idea where to begin. I looked at a few animation tut's, but now where should i go from there. What topics should i look out for in order to learn flash. I thank you all very much,
It all depends on what you want to learn first: codding, art, animation etc...
If you want a good flash tutorial collection, look at the Flash Tutorial Collabs on the Newgrounds Tutorials page ...It explains everything you need to know for a beginner in a nutshell.
lol, yeah btw, i looked at the collabs on NG, they're a great help, really very useful. My only concern is they teach AS2, and more complez game require AS3.