If anyone had the time and patience to spare to help a ametuer game-maker out with some stuff.
I've got Flash CS3, and a book on ActionScript 3. I'm currently reading this book, and was wondering if anyone could kind of help me with the process of making a really basic game; just to get started in using the coding and such. If not that's alright, I was only wondering. But if someone did, I'd really appreciate it!
Is there a chapter about converting from AS2 to AS3?
Basically, to make games you need to move a movieclip with your keyboard; X to walk, run, and Y to jump, fall; you need hitTest to make collisions; attach and remove movieclip to create and destroy objects into your file, etc
If you can find the code for these things, you're pretty much in the right way
Hmm... Well, try turning on a toolbox and experimenting with the different codes. You will first want to make a movie clip by drawing something simple and pressing F8. Then you can give it an instance name with the properties inspector. If you want to interact with it, you address it with the instance name. You should be able to make a very simple game with the following: (type them in the actionscript window and then press F1 or the question mark in the top right to see what they do and how to use them.
Also, there are a lot of tutorials out there... also for AS3 if you're determined to use that That's how I taught myself everything I know so far! Read and learn!