copy this to the load in draw play 3 in the level editor:E#133%111@E#29%168@E#381%91@E#289%273@H#306%179@H#261%180@I#378%170@B#54%67@I#191%171@K#246%29@comment on this whene you finish it.ill be expecting.
B#459%277@H#250%200@H#250%200@H#250%200@H#250%200@H#250%200@H#250%200@H#250%200@H#250%200@H#250%200@H#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@I#250%200@its harder than it looks XDbut probalby not impossible
This is in the wrong seciton, but anyway. THERE IS ALREADY A TOPIC FOR YOUR MAPS. YOU CAN POST THEM HERE.
Well, all nice and hard, but some where indeed impossible. So nice done folks
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