This probably doesn't belong here, but I have no idea where I would ask something like this.
I need an original, easy to spell company name. Something that has not been used before and is easy to spell and remember.
I have been thinking about this for months, but I'm coming up with nothing. I have even asked others, but haven't really gotten anywhere.
The latest idea I had (which seemed pretty good) was Red Merit Studios, but that turned up too many Google results, and the name was taken at both Hotmail and Yahoo. An earlier one was PiSoft, but that was taken by some twenty different people, and sounded too much like a cuss word. :P
The name does not have to make any sense.
Any ideas? I'll give you credit in the next few credits for the help. I am going crazy here.
Talking about the searching and all for google... If you have a lil (or not so lil) money 2 spare you can pay google for them to not make you buried in the 5th or 6th page and instead shoot u up to 1st page... Probrally alot of money tho...
spelled with qoutes when searchin or you get each word searched
"Aristople Games" only 0 results on google "Just Another Game Company" 112 results moslty because someone said it "Never Complete Games" 102 results "OOPs Games" 1110 results
Coming up with our company's name, Pass the Dice LLC, was a ridiculously long and hard process. I recommend doing a brainstorm approach:
1. sit down with three or four friends and have one person in charge of the black/white/paper/whatever board. Make sure you have plenty of soda and/or adult beverages on hand.
2. each person suggests one keyword. "dice" "games" "girls", etc.
3. Now, for the next two hours, you simply go around the table and say whatever comes to mind. Nothing is off-limits, except that whatever you say has to link to something already on the board.
We came up with so many different things with Dice... (I knew Dice had to be in the name). After this I had maybe 6 or 7 names I could use. Three were impossible because of trademarks or domain names not being available. Eventually, maybe 3 weeks later, I finally ended up with Pass the Dice.
I haven't found a perfect name yet, but a few of these got me thinking.
I'm going to try to see if some of them translate into latin well.
I'm looking for something easy to remember or relate to, especially for seniors, who will be the people whose computers I will repair most, they are the focus of my local computer repair service.