The topic says it all guess the above person's age.
Yeah, I think you're 14.But; if I didn't know I'd probably say 15/16.
Hmm, 15?Hint: Lower than 14.
-_-⢠That hint gave it away13
Wrong. Pang.17?
Wrong. Pang.
52 sounds appropriate.
Judging by the amount of exercise you do I'd guess you have either just turned 17 or you are about to.Also, GOM. I think you were really close to pang's age. I can't believe I didn't realise it before.
Judging by the amount of exercise you do I'd guess you have either just turned 17 or you are about to.
I know you're 17, but, if I didn't I'd guess about 19/20.
15? If not than somewhere around 72...
killer and his mane are 13
On page 181 thanks for the cookie stromwalker ^^But i never really noticed pang... It's sad. 17 was it?
@Killersup, yes.I'm definitely 72.Anyhow - I reckon you're about 14/15, Dappro.
from what I have to gather from your other posts I would say about 19 or 20.
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