The topic says it all guess the above person's age.
I'm guessing you're 12.
No!! I meant to say 13!!!
I think you're . . . 30????
O.o 30 for him? Really?13 for you
I am not that old.17, I'm probably right.
24 seems like your age.
15 I believe it was
I'd say 17, but it could be 18 by now if your birthday has passed.
I know you are in college...20?
Can't remember if you're 17 or 18. 18 seems more fitting though.
14. mabe 15
Well..profile says 16. So I'll go 15
I'm really bad at guessing ages. 17??
@ pang: My profile is out of date. Judging by your profile pic id say 16.
Profile says I gotta go 12!
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