The topic says it all guess the above person's age.
Ya ya, Agent is correct...I am 13, but the average is 14!But instead of afraid that someone is looking in your profile, just hide the Age and the birth date Agent....hmm are you 14?
Haha, Agent, I am also in the Space stage, it is long and tough! Kylelolcat...14!
Actually I'm 13, I made account on a laptop with my unsteady hands, or I fail at typing.
You're obviously 13.
Are you maybe 14 years old? i'll be 15 in 23 days :] 13
14 for Graham
oooh I dont know :S16?I dont know how old Pazx is. And are Mary and Pierce technically the same age then?
Uh, they are... And they're underage... and it's been stated everywhere...Jezz is... 13?
Paz, you are 14?
damn.Pazx is 13?Spore is 13.I am NOT 13. I am older xD
You are 15!
13! That guess never fails.
yay Spore wins!I agree xDyou 13?
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