The topic says it all guess the above person's age.
It was merely showing that I didn't look at your age whilst browsing your profile for clues. I can't think of a way that it's even an insult.13
It was merely showing that I didn't look at your age whilst browsing your profile for clues. I can't think of a way that it's even an insult.
That's a little too far don't you think?You would be 14.
You mainly post in forums games, I don't think many older people would bother with such a thing, and the general age of most forum gamers is 13-15, so that.
uh are you 14
You would be 13 since you are new due to to your rank.
You're most likely 14.
Well, I need to do some math... calculate how active the average user is... carry the pie... multiply by rank and minimum age... you're 15-16.
Maybeeee.... around 20
guessing, 'bout 16?
17, and StormWalker was pretty close. Technically can you not just check the above users profile?That pulls this game off its own supporting beams and collapses it.
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