I know i have posted something like this before, but this time its different. I need to know how to make a character walk on rough terrain and jump on to more rough terrain and he doesnt float. I also need the screen to follow him. Please help me!
Where exactly are you stuck at? If you want to make a platformer you have to take it in pieces, you can't just say "I want to make a platformer, now how do I do that?" Have you worked on character movement at all? What pieces are you missing?
So does this work just fine jumping without the platforms, using only the bottom of the stage as the stop for the gravity?
I am still looking over the code now, but I would recommend that you set the registry point (or whatever it is called, where that little cross cursor is) of the movie clip at the feet of the main character, right in the middle of the character horizontally.
I can draw a diagram of what I mean if I'm not making myself clear enough.
nope i tried that and it didn't work. I know there isnt anything wrong with the player script bcause there isnt anything on thre that effects the platform. He only fall through when he jumps unless i change this: