ahh i love WW2, great subject.
The U.S.A has the most power in the world and is considered the superpower....but why ?
Because you are the strongest economically. It is not just due to WW2 although that was a major factor.
The only major thing that we did was bomb Japan
Webombed them
That is not true. The Americans were vital to the victory of the allies in europe. Arguably the Russians would have beaten them eventually anyway, but without the Americans it would have taken a hell of a lot longer and many more lives would have been lost. D day probably would have never taken place.
germany gave up because they were afraid right?? how come they couldn't just bomb us to continue the war??the germans had so much power....why did they basically put it to waste???
They gave up because they had no choice, they were soundly beaten. They couldnt bomb the allies because by late 1944 the allies had aerial superiority. Unquestionably they did have a lot of power but the Eastern front as Churchill said ''tore the heart out of the german army''. The germans didnt waste their power they were just too rigid. The leadership of Hitler was disastrous and the Blitzkreig tactics used in the ealy days was very predictable and easily countered by the end of the war. However the one area in which germany did waste its power was allocating so much resources to the holocaust which could have been used to the war effort.
Well Germany basically gave up because we were on their shores and closing in. Germany was strong, but the US and allies had the tactics.
The germans only gave up right at the end when the russians were in the heart of berlin. Hitlers orders were to fight until the last man. Allied tactics on the westermn front are somewhat inconsistent. The mix of british and us troops along the line didnt go particularly smoothly especially with montgomery and eisenhower not getting on, however the job evidently got done. On the Eastern front the tactics were non existent- send in the tanks and then the hoards of men.
Failure to squash Russia quickly.
Give credit to the russian forces however. Tactically splitting up his 3 main armies was a mistake, however the germans didnt take russia in 1942 for lack of trying. The blitzkreig tactics were very effective, but the vastness of russia stretched their supply lines to absurdity. Couple that with a masterstroke of Russian tactics the encirclement of the germans at stalingrad and the stalemate is complete. Throw in the russian winter and you have an almost impossible fight.
he NEVER retreated
Not only this but he didnt suplly his men with winter clothing. Anyone who spoke of it was charged with treason as it implied the germans wouldnt win in that year. Crazy.
propaganda is uneffective at all levels, and this was one of those where even Hitler's skill at manipulation could not surpass.
It was actually Goebells who was the head of propaganda for the Nazi party, Hitlers attempts were often too overt and so failed.
I know that the bombing of Pearl Harbor was an attempt to destroy several fuel lines and many huge aircraft carriers, but still...The ships they were targeting left days before the actual attack.
The Japanese were attempting to destroy the US pacific fleet. They werre just unlucky that some ships were out of port at the time otherwise they would have succeeded and the US would have been delayed several months and givent he Japs more time to prepare so tactically it was more astute than you give the Japs credit for.
Hitler declares war on the United States. So, good move Adolf.
Hitler had enetered the anti comintern pact with japan and italy and so he was obliged to declare war on them. He also needed to stop US supplies reaching Britain.
The United States was able to lend weapons to the Allied Forces, but still supplied them to the Axis on a far smaller scale so it wouldn't look like we were ultimately taking sides.
Sounds like a cowards way out if you ask me, but at least you turned up for the chocoalte and the glory at the end.
the US had finished an atomic bomb, and warned the Japanese to surrendor. When they refused, they were nuked, massive amounts of innocents killed. When again they refused to surrendor, and were nuked, they finnally gave up, thus ending the war.
The US never actually warned the japanese that they were going to use the atomic bomb. Their generals persuaded against this because they wanted to see how it would work as a weapon of war and warning the japanese would negate that factor.
Yes, but he made it seem like he was killed. Yeah either way though. Also two great battles were many soldiers lost their lives. D-Day, and Operation Market Garden.
Hitler probably did commit suicide. Primary sources indicate that he was (secretly) horrified that if he was captured he would be taken by the rusiiansd killed and his body paraded around Russia.
You will find documents on how the US and UK didn't even bother to try and capture Berlin. They gave it to the Soviets. The US only invaded Europe to gain influence and stop Communist presence.
Very ture, even the French who obviously did practicalkly nothing to help the war effort were given a zone in Berlin, just to lessen the Russians grip there.