ForumsForum Games^, <, V game

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3,176 posts

A traditional, house-hold favorite of my clan's forum games, the up, side, down, game. Here are the rules:

Rule #1:

^ = Answering someone's question

< = What you are currently doing now, or what you have done recently

V = Your very own question that the user below you will answer

Rule #2: Do NOT post "also" questions! This means that: e.g. You are
drinking a glass of tea, so you would ask the question,
"also drinking tea?" This is a giant no-no among my people.
Be creative!

Rule #3: This is not a truth-or-dare game! Do not post questions that
will make the user uncomfortable, such as sexual questions,
or those that the below user deems inappropriate. So don't
ask these questions please.

Rule #4: Of course, do not flame, spam, or abuse. Typical
rule in every thread.

Since I'm the starter, I cannot ask a question, so...

<: Posting this thread

V: Are you going to watch the new movie Twilight at 12:00 AM, or when
the crowd is smaller?

  • 11,474 Replies
2,869 posts

^ Nope, nor computer rpgs. Too boring.

< Feeding my fish

v Favorite government type?

2,875 posts

^ A theocracy with a mostly atheist population. You'd think that'd be an oxymoron, but YOU'RE WRONG! Basically Great Britain. Just a year or few and irreligious will be the majority!

< Recently got home from church. I guess that, in a way, explains the first part.

V Would you like to belong to a micronation? If so, would you rather be in the government of the micronation, or just a be denizen?

4,755 posts

^ Yes, only a denizen and only of Sealand. hmm... maybe I could sneakily move to Maunsell Forts and after some time declare independence? Ugh, but as the only citizen I'd form a government :-/ Every micronation is treated as a folklor and its members as heroes of jokes at best.

< Going to visit a buddy. Hahaha xD an atheistic theocracy - that's an unusual thought. I also laughed at my mistake - sticked 0_o But this is apparently also a version of this verb, but with a different meaning.

V Who is your favourite politician?

2,869 posts

^ That would assume that I liked a politician.

< Texting a russian spy

v Would you like to be a spy?

2,875 posts

^ Whenever I hear loud music it feels as if my head will blow up. I CAN survive loud music, but that won't mean I won't feel as if I had taken a shot of pure ethanol and then chugged on a bottle of rat poison.

< Being annoyed.

V Have you ever seen a house centipede? No, not those cute ones, the big ugly ones.

4,755 posts

^ Nah, just little cuties here.

< Playing Portal, in fact bonus tests already. This game is surprising and gives you a logic challenge. And ehh, I just realised how I missed free Grim Fandango Remastered from GoG.

V What's the last game that you've grabbed for free?

2,869 posts

^ Crusader Kings 2

< Watching the Great Gatsby movie

v Do you usually like the book or movie versions better?

2,875 posts

^ Well, I never read a book with a movie adaptation, but the Harry Potter movies don't have Peeves, so I'll say the books are better. Generally.

< Arriving home 2 hours later than usual.

V I just had a flashback to one of my old questions. So I'll ask it again. This time finishing it whole. Why do you, or why don't you drink pop? Soda, whatever you call it.

2,869 posts

^ Yes, because they're delicious. I've been addicted to Ginger Lime Diet Coke recently

< Drinking said soda

v What is the most recent dream you've had?

2,875 posts

^ I'm in a barn with brown-white Simmental calves. So apparently there's this evil calf. Yes, an Evil calf that sucks up your soul. (Of course, I know that because dream logic.) And I'm standing there next to that calf and the evil calf's mortal enemy. I look away and back at the calf. Its head is tinted black, no eyes, no nose, no ears. Only a disgusting mouth with few crooked teeth, although arranged with perfect spacing. Its mortal enemy does nothing. I look away and back at it. The calf is all black, the mouth and teeth grotesque and with tinges of blood. The calf's black skin is covered with human teeth facing outwards as if it's growing them, but the eyes are even blacker. Blacker than the blackest void you've ever peered at. I look away, but it draws me closer. I can feel its gaze wrapping around my head. It draws me closer. I can see its mouth, I can hear its breathing, my heart stops beating, my lungs stop breathing, my soul fleeting, my body left behind...

Then I wake up screaming at 3 AM. I never thought a calf could be so *******ing scary.

< Being afraid to look behind my back. I think I scared myself.

V Have you ever experimented with lucid dreams? Or at least have you had one?

4,755 posts

^ Yes I did, like 5 years ago xD

< And I kinda wanna answer @sciller45 cause it’s a mysterious phenomenon. Yes I had lucid/conscious dreams and at least 40 times. When I was in a highschool, it was our popular topic, so I learned them from youtube tutorials. (Yeah it was something common even 10 years ago :-P ) If you can’t do it and want to get some more info, then I might tell you. Although, I didn’t find any practical purpose. All the potential is nullified by drawbacks.
I didn’t write anything in dream diary for a long time and that’s important for training, but I can still take control over nightmares, since they’re so illogical and it’s easy to figure out what they are. After that I can just wake up by trying to open eyes. But if instead I wanted to extend them (like to go on a rampage on those horrors, haha), I could imagine that I’m turning around quickly. Brain gets kinda confused and sleepy when the image is turning around and body is not moving – it has something to do with how labyrinth and brain cooperate. And then imagination is the only limit, well almost, because it’s hard to keep sleeping while being partially conscious. There is some more to this topic (“hooks”, watching out on “falling down” etc.) and I assure everyone – it’s not a myth, anybody can learn how to dream consciously, for what it's worth.

V Daymit I can’t decide: which gun would be better for obliterating nightmares: Pancor Jackhammer or a coilgun? xD

2,875 posts

^ Hm. Have you found the crashed alien spaceship yet? The blaster's OP, but you don't have that many bullets. Wait. What game are we talking about again? Uh. The coilgun.

< I didn't know they were popular 10 years ago! OK, it doesn't sound special when you realise 10 years ago was 2008. But whenever I had nightmares I wanted to get rid of immediately, I would just hard close my eyes (closed the so hard it hurt) and then opened them. Worked every time. Sometimes even though I knew I was dreaming and having a nightmare, I couldn't control it. It's probably because whenever I end up in a lucid dream I keep thinking "Don't think of anything scary" and end up crafting myself a nightmare.
I remember the first time I had one. I was basically just walking on a road and I realized "Hey, wait a minute. I'm dreaming! WHEEEEEEEEEEE" I said while flying in the air like Superman. Then I woke up. What's that on “hooks”, watching out on “falling down”? I'd just like to do some research.

V Fire arrows or ice arrows?

4,755 posts

^ Ice arrows for their freezing ability.

< Hooks are things that help you realise that a dream is a dream - sure things. Like looking on a watch. Time always runs crazily in a dream. Looking on your hands - in my case they pulsate. It could be really anything. And I meant the feeling of falling down - always if you dream you're falling you're going to wake up.

The blaster's OP, but you don't have that many bullets.

It has many bullets but a short range and I got it as you said in Fallout 1. In Fallout 2 it was in oil rig puzzle - using science on one of the computers there and with tagged +100 speech I got it. Anyway I don't need any advices - I crushed final boss in 1 turn on my first playthrough. You won't see this on lvl 33 anywhere else XD Crushing solo final boss + squad in 1 turn.
Sorry for the sound - my Camtasia insists on recording from the mike. Better turn it off.
V Which one is better for a summer house: a house in mountains or a house by a sea?
2,875 posts

^ Well, it's ususally at least somewhat based on what I'm doing right now. So about half a minute. If I don't think of one a minute later, I click off the thread.

< I have a creepy feeling that my post has been deleted. Did I write the post in a dream? Makes no sense. I remember writing "I think we misaligned with the series number" in the < part.

V Did you ever write a reply and when you come back it has been deleted? It's happening way too often to me for it to a bug.

4,755 posts

^ Nope, never. Don't you live in a dream or something like that?

< I was just playing The good ol' Longest Journey. Wanna get through this series, cause why would I want to start writing a thesis? :-P

V In games, can you keep in character of the other sex?

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