ForumsForum GamesThe AG Dictionary

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1,463 posts

This is how the game works...

Basically All you do is make up a word, define it, and add it to the list!

I'll start us off.

1.Wilimpunge - A type of attack used in the ancient randomese art of underwater wrestling.

Add some more on!

This'll be fun.(I hope.)

  • 79 Replies
6,257 posts

1. Wilimpunge - A type of attack used in the ancient randomese art of underwater wrestling.
2.Sercagent - An occupation to kill serpants, usually performed by secret agents.
3.Sanwochity - The art of sandwich watching.
4.Hydrocity - The form of electric water.
5.Spricekin - A new soda with a lemony lime taste.
6.Malumpcios - Having a case of sexy mumps and measels.
7.Terramnesianosis - Fear of forgetting the thing you fear.
8.Burpopingtarts - The fear of burning some pop tarts.
9.Stopostitus - We should stop posting here for a while phobia basically.
10. Dinocterate - To imitate and act like a dinosaur. Roaring is a must.
11.Loansengals - fear of losenges.
12.Lambitudios - An adjective that has to do with how much you act like a lamb.
13.Sonricksen - A telephone provider that also sells the iPhone.
14.Italian Musicooking - An old forgotten way to cook food. Was originated in Italy. The Cook heats up the food by playing heavy metal, and steams it using R&B.There are other ways to do it, but these are the most popular ways
15.Prescrabanitis-The use of life.
16.Togaf- ***ot spelled backwards.
17: Rawr- Rawr.
18. Me- The coolest dictionary on earth.
19.Stabecapitate-An attack use to stab while decapacitating the enemy
20.Elditionus - An object you use to hear what the earth is "saying".
21.pencilifishinatastionism-the ability to use a pencil as a dishwasher
22.especialicious - an adjective used to describe something that is not just averagely delicious, it is especially delicious
23. Ripshank - the action of tearing ones jaw off, normally the lower jaw. Mainly used by Nergy and Strop. . .jk bout the Strop part.
24.Uh-oh *splat*-The defined term of Chuck Norris' prey.
25. delicinano- a word for basically meaning very good or delicious
26. Ricador- a peculiar creature who tends to live in a balmy climate. Enjoys conservatives, Nobama's, and dried pineapple. Tends to be incredibly good looking.
27.Excapi. The difinition of extra caca and pipi or pikachu!
28. Bunny Hopping: A term used to describe users on AG who rate without playing the game and continue on other games.
29. Infaninny -- Person who lacks of any sense when around cute baby animals
30. Firstyay - A species of noob who is proud about being the first to post on a topic/video/profile.
31. Potation - the act of creating artificially intelligent potatoes and implanting them in a socialist/capitalist debate on what to make their nation's government.
32. Shutyolips: An old falconry term. The meaning is unknown.
33. Jambrain - A hick term meaning "Zombie". This term was used during the zombie war. Also an attack where you jam the butt of a gun through the eyesocket of a person/animal/something in between.
34. Pelkman - A job in the military that will be created in World War III.There job is to get body parts and load them into the rocket launchers.
35. electric- containing electricity
36. OHMYGODIMONFIRE-something you say whenever you get hit or attacked in order to make a quick, but funny joke
37. Thingamajimmy- A term for a gizmo that you dont knows' name
38. sfnqawbnfrqwjfbqof;jbwFO['QBFNWAEJ';Bwfdo'e85yrhf'QAQndsafbasdf'
awihfnco'wrpjkoi2395]=sejiopyt239-uflkbpqoibhdgjkb degoerp6][fe.jk;'
;,lf0t=34g,.bv;/- A homosexual ferret.
39. Poob - One who pwns n00bs.
40. Retardosphere - the guy who posted #38.
41. Besbocid - The action of killing someone with one of your favourite books and then re-reading that book.
42.miguelin11-I pwn
43. narcidox - Loving yourself more than yourself. When related to the one who posted nr 42, it is a noun
44.Dinoman-Half man half dinosaur
45.miguelin11-a rare creature also very smart and is known around the world to be very good looking. relate this with #42 P.S. ignore #43
46. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
47. Nonofyoubusinessgod****itafobia- Fear of people not minding their own business.
48. Noobja - Someone who is noob at being ninja.
50.spammer- go to #40 lol
51.9000-Goku's power level. A common 1337 saying, same princible as "Madness, this is Sparta"
52. Stupid Peoplez- person or people who wrote #50, #40, and #38.
53.brrrrr-A cold geek!
54.Slople-A really lazy human. Same as Sheeple (I think it's an actual word) in a way.
55.Frenchzza-Italian pizza, featuring frog feet with snails or escargots.
56. Yo mama- so ugly people dress like her for Holloween (pwned by a book)
57.qwertz-A rare mineral found on the internet that can be chemicaly enhanced to make you more 31337 (in reality its actually the german keyboard)
58.Dadoolaz-Alot of das at a palooza.
59.OMG-somthing one says when a list is veary long
60.Giroll - click the link and find out...
61.omfgwtfroflmaojkbrbgtg-You are very 1337 if you know what this means
62. Shadow the Hedgehog- The coolest SEGA character on earth, his attacks consist of the following:
Chaos Spear
Chaos Control
Chaos Blast
Super Transformation
Commandeer Vehicle
63.PWN-One of the strongest forces in the know to nerds
64.Spamaratics-The doing of spam, like some people in this dictionary, and having fun about it.
65.Raigeki-lighting strike.
66.66-One more 6 and we're done for
67. Nachos- the tastiest treat in existence. G0 Nak0z! Nak0z 4 teh winz0rz! Nak0z are teh 31337! NAK0ZZ!!!
68. rickatslophobia - The constant fear of getting RickRoll'd
69 Underwater jello wrestling.
70.Bumper-someone who posts on a topic so the topic will be viewed by more people, LIKE I AM RIGHT NOW!
71.hewillbepwned-whoever posted #43 & #52
72. Spam - A good way to get AP!
73.Haxez-a 1337 way to say hacked
74.ReallehKewl-Itus - A disease that makes you really cool and popular.

12,319 posts

1. Wilimpunge - A type of attack used in the ancient randomese art of underwater wrestling.
2.Sercagent - An occupation to kill serpants, usually performed by secret agents.
3.Sanwochity - The art of sandwich watching.
4.Hydrocity - The form of electric water.
5.Spricekin - A new soda with a lemony lime taste.
6.Malumpcios - Having a case of sexy mumps and measels.
7.Terramnesianosis - Fear of forgetting the thing you fear.
8.Burpopingtarts - The fear of burning some pop tarts.
9.Stopostitus - We should stop posting here for a while phobia basically.
10. Dinocterate - To imitate and act like a dinosaur. Roaring is a must.
11.Loansengals - fear of losenges.
12.Lambitudios - An adjective that has to do with how much you act like a lamb.
13.Sonricksen - A telephone provider that also sells the iPhone.
14.Italian Musicooking - An old forgotten way to cook food. Was originated in Italy. The Cook heats up the food by playing heavy metal, and steams it using R&B.There are other ways to do it, but these are the most popular ways
15.Prescrabanitis-The use of life.
16.Togaf- ***ot spelled backwards.
17: Rawr- Rawr.
18. Me- The coolest dictionary on earth.
19.Stabecapitate-An attack use to stab while decapacitating the enemy
20.Elditionus - An object you use to hear what the earth is "saying".
21.pencilifishinatastionism-the ability to use a pencil as a dishwasher
22.especialicious - an adjective used to describe something that is not just averagely delicious, it is especially delicious
23. Ripshank - the action of tearing ones jaw off, normally the lower jaw. Mainly used by Nergy and Strop. . .jk bout the Strop part.
24.Uh-oh *splat*-The defined term of Chuck Norris' prey.
25. delicinano- a word for basically meaning very good or delicious
26. Ricador- a peculiar creature who tends to live in a balmy climate. Enjoys conservatives, Nobama's, and dried pineapple. Tends to be incredibly good looking.
27.Excapi. The difinition of extra caca and pipi or pikachu!
28. Bunny Hopping: A term used to describe users on AG who rate without playing the game and continue on other games.
29. Infaninny -- Person who lacks of any sense when around cute baby animals
30. Firstyay - A species of noob who is proud about being the first to post on a topic/video/profile.
31. Potation - the act of creating artificially intelligent potatoes and implanting them in a socialist/capitalist debate on what to make their nation's government.
32. Shutyolips: An old falconry term. The meaning is unknown.
33. Jambrain - A hick term meaning "Zombie". This term was used during the zombie war. Also an attack where you jam the butt of a gun through the eyesocket of a person/animal/something in between.
34. Pelkman - A job in the military that will be created in World War III.There job is to get body parts and load them into the rocket launchers.
35. electric- containing electricity
36. OHMYGODIMONFIRE-something you say whenever you get hit or attacked in order to make a quick, but funny joke
37. Thingamajimmy- A term for a gizmo that you dont knows' name
38. sfnqawbnfrqwjfbqof;jbwFO['QBFNWAEJ';Bwfdo'e85yrhf'QAQndsafbasdf'
awihfnco'wrpjkoi2395]=sejiopyt239-uflkbpqoibhdgjkb degoerp6][fe.jk;'
;,lf0t=34g,.bv;/- A homosexual ferret.
39. Poob - One who pwns n00bs.
40. Retardosphere - the guy who posted #38.
41. Besbocid - The action of killing someone with one of your favourite books and then re-reading that book.
42.miguelin11-I pwn
43. narcidox - Loving yourself more than yourself. When related to the one who posted nr 42, it is a noun
44.Dinoman-Half man half dinosaur
45.miguelin11-a rare creature also very smart and is known around the world to be very good looking. relate this with #42 P.S. ignore #43
46. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
47. Nonofyoubusinessgod****itafobia- Fear of people not minding their own business.
48. Noobja - Someone who is noob at being ninja.
50.spammer- go to #40 lol
51.9000-Goku's power level. A common 1337 saying, same princible as "Madness, this is Sparta"
52. Stupid Peoplez- person or people who wrote #50, #40, and #38.
53.brrrrr-A cold geek!
54.Slople-A really lazy human. Same as Sheeple (I think it's an actual word) in a way.
55.Frenchzza-Italian pizza, featuring frog feet with snails or escargots.
56. Yo mama- so ugly people dress like her for Holloween (pwned by a book)
57.qwertz-A rare mineral found on the internet that can be chemicaly enhanced to make you more 31337 (in reality its actually the german keyboard)
58.Dadoolaz-Alot of das at a palooza.
59.OMG-somthing one says when a list is veary long
60.Giroll - click the link and find out...
61.omfgwtfroflmaojkbrbgtg-You are very 1337 if you know what this means
62. Shadow the Hedgehog- The coolest SEGA character on earth, his attacks consist of the following:
Chaos Spear
Chaos Control
Chaos Blast
Super Transformation
Commandeer Vehicle
63.PWN-One of the strongest forces in the know to nerds
64.Spamaratics-The doing of spam, like some people in this dictionary, and having fun about it.
65.Raigeki-lighting strike.
66.66-One more 6 and we're done for
67. Nachos- the tastiest treat in existence. G0 Nak0z! Nak0z 4 teh winz0rz! Nak0z are teh 31337! NAK0ZZ!!!
68. rickatslophobia - The constant fear of getting RickRoll'd
69 Underwater jello wrestling.
70.Bumper-someone who posts on a topic so the topic will be viewed by more people, LIKE I AM RIGHT NOW!
71.hewillbepwned-whoever posted #43 & #52
72. Spam - A good way to get AP!
73.Haxez-a 1337 way to say hacked
74.ReallehKewl-Itus - A disease that makes you really cool and popular.
75. ihaveashortattentionspam: Ridiculous thread. Bad specimens of this are deleted rather than locked.
76. ashortbridgespam: Short response. Posts under 7 words are generally deleted unless expected in the thread or they have good content.
77. advertisement: This is the classic form of spam. Advertising on the forums or as a comment is spam. Advertisement threads should generally be deleted.
78. imagethreadshaveashortlifespam: This is a lock tag to lock a thread for image spam. Images do not count as any words.
79. copiouspastaandspam: This kind of spam represents threads that simply encourage copying and pasting from the Internet.
80. c-spam: Short for chat spam. The forums are not for chatting, and threads that are used for chatting are locked as chat spam, or c-spam for short. TTICA was c-spam.
81. ihatespamdex: A thread that becomes spam. If the spam on a thread starts late, it is ihatespamdex.
82. outofthefryingspam: Backseat modding. Pointing out spam is spam, and that's what backseat modding is. outofthefryingspam is always accompanied by another species of spam, which may include ihatespamdex if it is late.
83. whatspam: This is a lock tag used to indicate a spam thread that makes the locker go "What?"

75-83 are all types of spam. They can also be found on my profile.

Showing 76-77 of 79