A dangerous amount of nothing!
Broken hands, It Will hurt when you punch them.....also if your a female, a book on how to fight like a man(you wont read it)
A zipper. Have to say that'd be pretty useless.
The French. Harsh and probably racist (dang PC culture) but stereotypically they don;t do well in a fight.
Hmmm, A piece a TP. (tiolet paper)
A gummy bear lol!
9001 numbers.
IT'S OVER 9000!!!a pair of fuzzy dice.
but the French as a nation Never won a real war
a dust mite.
FUZZ! *dunt dunt duuuuu*
A sock full of butter...
a half of a fly's eyelash!
An empty pepsi can...A curler...A water noodle...The word, "Etcetera"...
A trillion year old nuke. (The radioactivity would all be gone, and it can't explode.)
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