Just wondering, are there any bad side effects of using MochiAds?
It is not allowed for games submitted on ArmorGames, but is there a reason for that? Is it actually some sort of malware or something? Do I have anything to worry about?
If a sponsor wants a version of the game not containing ads, is there a simple way to block the ad for the sponsor's site? When you enter in a domain to be filtered, whenever the game is played from that host, we will not show any network or custom ads. Each domain you enter will be filtered. This way, if the game gets copied to another site, then ads are turned on and you make more money. No need for domain locking!
Well, obviously, the fact that AG doesn't allow these ads on submitted games poses SOME SORT of reason... I heard that they load autonomously, yes, but I have no clue about any other causes. I guess because of the unintentional loads, they mess the game up and ruin the gamers' moment, but that's all I have right now.