it is fun to create .bat files though to make .bat files open notepad type something like
@echo off COLOR 01 echo test pause
go to save as, click all files instead of text document (.txt) and name it test.bat open the .bat version and see
i'm guessing COLOR can go from 00-99
you can put all sorts of commands in 1 code is
goto after goto put anyname you want [/i]Itunes then make an Itunes option by putting [i]:Itunes put the rest of command here or a path to a file "C:/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe" you muuust have quotes in paths altogether it looks like
some other commands for reg command prompt: tracert (insert website) tree mspaint notepad del net user msconfig pinball telnet (if you have XP)
others you can just type help
i created one open notepad and save this as a .bat file
@echo off :menu COLOR 00 title Internet Explorationing
echo Want to go on the Internet? set /p option=yes/no? if %option%==yes goto Ie if %option%==no goto neva if %option%==Yes goto Ie if %option%==No goto neva if %option%==* goto error goto error :Ie "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe" pause :neva shutdown -s -t 5 -c "Say no to me eh?!" :error echo What you tryin to do?