I have a few question what is html tags?, what are the basic ones? and what are the not so basic ones? or can you tell me if you know any site to answer my questions? thnks
Basically, a HTML tag open and closes a condition, for example <b>bold text</b>, they are usually shown like this, <something> what you want to have the effect </something>, that works also for <i> </i> on italic per example
There are other codes, like <> that don't exactly need to be closed, and <br>. Since in HTML you don't actually jump to the next line when you press enter, <br> goes to the next line under you, <br><br> jumps one, <> somentimes gets you some more space than <br>
You can change text appearance with <font> </font>, but you actually need to user other code inside it, like <font color="white">
There are ones that work with more code, like <a href="http://www.putalinkhere.com/">Text that will take to putalinkhere</a>
or <img src="http://www.myimageuploader.com/myimage.jpg"> notice that <img> doesn't need text after or closing
And you have lots of options inside these same tags, like <img src width="500" height="400" align="left"> and so on
You don't have to know all HTML tags, just look for the ones that seen useful