OK, so Guinness has a spot for the most thread replies, let's see how many replies we can get! We have to work hard so lets begin Rules apply!
RULES: You cannot post more than one time on a page, you have to wait for a new page to reply again. If you do I'll ask for this page to be locked, it will just lead to spam if you do. Also, thread comments must follow the thread posting rules!
I think we will ahve to do something with this thead to get more posts. post one letter at a time perhaps? THat sentence would get us 27 more posts lol. I don't know. How is Valentines day for everyone? I'm of bowling tonight so should be fun.
Come on Zophia can't you just believe? When you believe in something enough it can happern just like flying in Peter Pan (on a similat note did antone know that Peter Pan was a documentary, not the weird movie with Robin Williams (hook) but the disney one)
They are ok I like a few of their songs though I don't exactly follow them. Unfortuneatly I have not yet seen the movie (pick of destiny, right?). Is it any good?
did you know that...ugh when i woke up i remembered some cool facts but now i can't seem to remember theeemmmm.... i'll remember them later in the day and post em