OK, so Guinness has a spot for the most thread replies, let's see how many replies we can get! We have to work hard so lets begin Rules apply!
RULES: You cannot post more than one time on a page, you have to wait for a new page to reply again. If you do I'll ask for this page to be locked, it will just lead to spam if you do. Also, thread comments must follow the thread posting rules!
You and 4 other people are trapped in a room by a powerful wizard. He gives you a basket with 5 apples in it. He says: If you each have one apple, but one apple remains in the basket, you may get out. How do you do this?
Obscure: Just cute the apple in half once, and leave a complete apple in the basket. Then all the people have (a part of) an apple and still there's one in the basket? :P
Obscure: Just cut the apple in half once, and leave a complete apple in the basket. Then all the people have (a part of) an apple and still there's one in the basket? :P
You and 4 other people are trapped in a room by a powerful wizard. He gives you a basket with 5 apples in it. He says: If you each have one apple, but one apple remains in the basket, you may get out. How do you do this?
plant a tree
also why dont we set mini goals to beat other threads then work our way up.