OK, so Guinness has a spot for the most thread replies, let's see how many replies we can get! We have to work hard so lets begin Rules apply!
RULES: You cannot post more than one time on a page, you have to wait for a new page to reply again. If you do I'll ask for this page to be locked, it will just lead to spam if you do. Also, thread comments must follow the thread posting rules!
Yeah, we should find a way to make it more interesting. Now it's just random talk. If we did a forum game in this thread it might get more interesting for the viewers.
Maybe: 'The User Levels Up.' (yes firetail I stole your idea. But it's allowed cuz there are no current alive threads like that! )
The rules: No spam, troll, badger, cat, dog, hamster or other animals that represent abusing forums. Use the following sheet: (Every participant must use this AND don't forget to update it! Remove all info between parantheses first.)
The User (DO NOT change this) Level: 1 (Fill the XP completely to LVUP! It's the goal of the game but serves no other purpose) Rank: Banned Noob (change every 3 levels. only I can change it. Serves no purpose.) XP: 0/10 (every post adds (XP multiplier) to this.) Money: $0 (every post adds ($ multiplier) to this. Can be spent on multiplier upgrades.) XP Multiplier: 1 [$75] (Amount of XP added to the total at once. Can be upgraded 1 by 1 for the amonut of money shown next to it.) $ Multiplier: 1 [$75] (Same as XP multiplier, but for money.)
After you upgrade multipliers, or reach a third level, empty the amount of money needed or the rank until I update it. Enjoy!
I wanted to say something else, but I forgot. When it comes up again I'll tell you. And I'm the host, not you, just so you know. :P
Oh yeah, I was gonna say everyone can upgrade multipliers. Remember to spend money on both multipliers, or your money will fill too slowly and then we would need a world record thread replies to even upgrade a multiplier. Or you XP will fill too slowly and it would take a world record thread replies to level up!
That might become a problem later on. Just upgrade the least expensive all the time.
Triple post. I'm so naughty. XD Just add 10 to the XP needed at your first LVUP, then add 15 to that, then 20 to that, etc. So at each level up, you add 5 to the number you add to the XP needed.
Come on... my apprentice thread... i'm running out of green mushrooms. Don't die... you're getting irritating apprentice, Do you think you need some more practice? Here you go one more time... *1-UP noise*